Feature Film, 60 min
The end of Saddam Hussein´s regime. Kurdish exiles celebrate the best day of their lives and Azad organises a big party for family and friends who arrive bearing food and drink to prepare a feast of dishes and desserts. Kurdish television broadcasts non-stop footage of general jubilation, as the guests sing, dance, and drink. Gradually, inflamed by alcohol, old quarrels re-emerge between Sunnites and Shiites, Kurds and Arabs, believers and atheists, and threaten to spoil the party. The arrival of an old friend, Ghassan, doesn´t help: he has spent the night at the Iraqi embassy, where he discovered that Azad´s brother has been betraying them, collaborating with the regime. For the filming of Après la chute, Hiner Saleem brought professional and amateur actors together, along with musicians, to develop the script over a fortnight, thus blurring the demarcations between reality and fiction.

Director: Hiner Saleem
Production: mîtosfilm in Coproduction with Agat Film, Paris
Cast: Nazmî Kırık, Yildiz Gültekin, Fehmi Mohammad Salim, Marisa Commandeur, Nisti Sterk, Abdulselam Kiligi, Ferhad Feqi
Festivals & Awards (Selection): 62. International Film Festival Locarno 2009, Section „Somewhere Else“

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