Documentary, 87 min,
Zaynê Akyol follows female PKK fighters in the Kurdish territories of Iraq and Syria to take a nuanced look at the guerrilla war. In between focused preparations for their missions against Isis the women take time for personal hygiene, laugh and celebrate exuberantly with their male comrades. The protagonists, always at the centre of the frame, talk openly about their fears and ideals. 

Languages: Kurdish, Turkish, French
Director: Zayne Akyol
Production: mîtosfilm in coproduction with Périphéria Productions Inc.
World Premiere: Vision du Réel
Festivals: Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal, EBS International Documentary Festival, Hot Docs, Dok Leipzig, Locarno IFF, Valladolid IFF,  Trento IFFAwards (selection): Doc Alliance Award (Locarno), Best Feature Film (Milan FF), Best Documentary (Valladolid)
Awards: Best New Talent from Quebec/Canada (Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montréal)
Doc Alliance Award (Locarno), Best Feature Film (Milan FF), Best Documentary (Valladolid)

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