Kurzfilm, 30 min
Iran / Kurdistan
A village in Kurdistan near the border with Iraq.
Faegh works with his wife and children making musical instrumentsdd called dafs. A daf is a famous Iranian musical instrument made from sheep's hide that has a special connotation for Kurds.The processes for making these instruments are as interesting as they are bizarre.Faegh and his family try to sell them for a little money, and they live in absolute poverty.
The film shows the pattern of life of this out of the ordinary family whose survival depends upon music. With the help of the music, we enter the life of this strange family.

Regie: Bahman Ghobadi
Produktion: Mij Film in Koproduktion mit mîtosfilm
Cast: Hamed Mohamadi, Monire Zamani, Elham Bahmani, Saman Bahmani, Maryam Abasi, Faegh Mohamadi, Ayeshe Azarneitoor, Fathollah Saedi, Allah-morad Rashtiani
Festivals & Preise (Auswahl): Jeonju International Film Festival Korea / 3. Kurdisches Film Festival Berlin 2004 / 3. Kurdisches Film Festival Lodon 2004 / 20. Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München 2005 / 19. Fribourg International Film Festival Schweiz

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